How a marketing agency helped save my job

2 min readMar 31, 2022


Not today, folks. Never! I have invested a lot in this business and it mustn’t fail. This was the fourth management performance review meeting I will be holding with my executives in 2 weeks. I had collected loans from 3 banks and they will come for my head if my business doesn’t start making profits. The business hasn’t been able to pay the due monthly remittance for the past 6 months and I am on the verge of a breakdown.

We had brainstormed on different ways we could reduce costs, and evidently, the problem wasn’t far-fetched. We needed to sell more. We needed more patronage, bigger sales, and publicity.

A lot of our resources had gone into futile conventional advertising. There was a need to pay more attention to social media marketing and advertising. And, we couldn’t spare more hands for that, hence, there was an urgent need to outsource to a perfect service provider.

And we chose Mixbloom. They didn’t disappoint us. In less than four (4) Months, we started getting more patronage, and sales increased by 180%, and this soon dovetailed into bigger revenue. This tells you how important digital marketing is. Even with the right product, you’ll have to give your business good branding, marketing, and advertising.

The above is an example of the kind of stories we read from our clients. We are the go-to social media and marketing management service provider that can help you save more and spend less. We have different packages and plans to suit varying needs. Believe me, we exist. We help you sell to the right audience and generate bigger sales. And we’re always available 24/7 to attend to your everyday content need. Just reach out to us via our email or contact form!




A veteran content writer with a special knack for getting good results