The right post at the right time

2 min readMar 31, 2022


It was another tense afternoon at Miragold Enterprises and at the helm of affairs is Mr. John, the Managing Director seated confused, distraught, and shattered. He sat down pondering on the thoughts of dismissal and threats he had received at the management’s performance review meeting where he had repeatedly been told of his repetitive and appalling performance by the board. Sales were too low! The business wasn’t making any substantial profit!

All these echoed in his thoughts. From experience, he knew the root cause. The media and publicity team are not just doing enough and they will never admit it. Not that anyone cares. They expect him to do all the magic and they are not willing to improve. And being from another clime, he had no buddy to run to.

As he scrolled through his Facebook feeds later in the evening, he saw something that caught his attention. A post about Mixbloom. He thought, this could just be the solution to his problem; adequate social media and brand marketing. He contacted Mixbloom and the rest was history. Sales doubled in 3 months and brand visibility increased by 348%.

That’s what we do at Mixbloom. We solve problems. At Mixbloom, we give only top-notch and quality services. Brand and social media marketing are essential to every growth-centered business. We aid businesses in doing just that and we make money for our clients. Still doubting? Give us a try. You’ll be glad you did. We’re just that perfect buddy every business needs.




A veteran content writer with a special knack for getting good results